Thursday, September 30, 2004

Oh great..Finally is all over! Today the last lesson for OralCom and IAC which means next week Thursday will be a free day. Yesterday spent the evening in school rushing to finish our project with my group members till about 10.30pm in school. Then today we finally finished up presenting and handed in..Wow what a big relief. Cant imagine a big project for IAC module to be completed in a day which could have take over a long period. Haha...Oh ya yesterday i was delighted to saw someone. He is my long lost primary school friend, Yaofeng. We meet each other in the school library and he is the one who spotted me first and called out my name. At first i didn't know who was calling me but then this guy keep staring at me and walked towards me. Then tell me he is Yaofeng. So many things to remiscise with him about the past we had in primary school. Cant wait to meet up him again and yes he had given me his contact. tired as i yesterday 2.30am then sleep as rushing for my project and i just had a napped around 6pm. Now chatting with Szekiat and Huiyu in MSN and writting this blog. Okok got to go study soon...

8:07 PM

Monday, September 27, 2004

Hello good evening to everyone! Hehe me now at school library doing my IAC poject which is due on Thursday. Haiz...end up my group member didnt do anything much as we just chat and play in the project room. So now i am using my friend's laptop typing this full load of crap as i am bored. Time now is 6.52pm and going home soon for dinner...I am so Hungry!!! Haha...Haiz, tomorrow got MMTA quiz later go back need to study and also continue on my project. Deadman, still not even 50 percent complete yet and i wonder wheather we can done it before Thursday which is just 2 days away. Oh ya ....Also in the library, my friend Roger and his friend help me in my Blog which now come with a whole new look. Thanks all who assisted me in the setup.

6:50 PM

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Yesterday, my friend Alvi drove me to school and i left my handphone and Studentpass in the car. Haiz...sad man as my hp cant keep me accompany during the trip. We Went on a trekking trip with my Sport and Wellness people at around 8.30am. It was a tiring one but experiencing too. The journey started off in my school and walked through Bukit Timah Hill to Macritchie reservoir. Total was about 10.5km of walk. Walking through the forest and getting close to nature was a wonderful trip for me. But during the journey, i was disappointed with some of the fellow people going with me. They were smoking in the Nature Park and some were littering the ground with their food wrapper. This is sad case man....What are these people mindset about! Haiz...i really feel like going towards them and tell them off. But just to avoid trouble, i ignore and bear with it. Pity Mother nature got to stand with their insolence. I was tired throughtout the journey as my water supply run out during 2/5 of my journey. Leg was numb and exhausted but i managed to pull through with it and end journey at 12noon. Pretty fast huh our journey? hehe Because we were walking in a fast pace. Hahaha...okok i stop here for now and continue to read my blog.

1:20 AM