Monday, May 29, 2006
More Report to write....More Test coming up....BUt still slacking around!!!! HOW?????? Btw, i wun be around from 2-4 June. Will be in Macau for a short retreat. Waiting for holiday to come in 2 more weeks. Oh yea, i will be holding my birthday celebration this year at Changi chalet on 8 - 9 August. Make yourself free frenz.... More details will be release soon around late July.
Thanks SANDRA for helping me created a new blogskin. But me too busy too change the skin this few days....u get to see it next week...hehex..
11:30 PM
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Eh, anybody here got learn anything about "Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)" before? HELP need real help in this topic...... its about a model of communication that focuses on identifying and using patterns in the thought processes that influence people’s verbal and non-verbal behavior as a means of improving the quality and effectiveness of their communication.
So if you have learn before or any knowledge in this subject pls let me know...thanks...URGENT!
11:45 PM
Saturday, May 20, 2006
![]() Alrite....the war is here! Days ago we heard that Creative is suing Apple for patent infringement in the US court. It may be a strategic move by Creative to stop the sales of ipod in the US as to gain the market shares of the mp3 which currently Apple is holding about 70% market shares. However, in a bid to counter Creative legal move, Apple is suing back Creative in violation in four of its patents. this will going to be a long battle between the two corporate. If Apple win the case, this may spell trouble for our very home-grown entrepreneur. As it is still consider a small company compare to Apple. General for me, i will support Apple to win the case as Creative is a product copycat!!! And i had watched the development of Apple's hardwork over the decade despite Creative is a Singapore Brand. Let us all sit back and await any incoming news in the US...
12:35 AM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
This few days hardly online and update my blog because I was watching the Da Chang Jin VCD. Haha….finally watched the whole 70 episodes after borrowed the VCD from my Aunt. A very nice ending and this is the first ancient Korean Series drama I ever watched. Haha…going to school soon in a while….I’ve missed the first 2 lesson this morning because I was tired., so couldn’t wake up. Anyway, to all my fren taking their exam, All the best to you people.
11:10 AM