Monday, September 25, 2006
This is Outrageous! Ask me to come down, i come down and yet last minute tell me is tomorrow for the session. Waste my time as i was alrdy on the bus to school. Once i got the notice i alighted at AMK station there and took a detour back home. Really waste my bloody time lor. HAte the committee!!! Down the committee!!!!
4:03 PM
Friday, September 15, 2006

Yesterday meet Daren Tan and Junxian around 9.30pm. We went Ministy of Sound and you know wat!!!! Its my bloody first time went clubbing! LOLX...i was been forced to go there as i owned Daren one time. Furthermore he is going back to Brunei for his NS overseas deployment this Sunday and he's back in Singapore for a week only. LOLx..I cant imagine myself go Clubbing for the first time. hahah...Ok la was quite fun there but also damn noisy. People dancing everywhere and hot chicks mingle around also..Woot! Then was forced by Daren and Junxian to drink the whole jar of Volka Orange. LOLX Eh guys, I'm not a good drinker, pls spare me next time. LOLX..i was almost intoxicated and whole body feeling uneasy. Went home around 3+am and then sleep sleep sleep till this morning when i check my sch result. Woot...I passed all my module and so happy. haha..!

12:49 PM
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Heart pumping more faster....Body more shaken......Richter Scale now stand at 9.2. Really!!!! Now its a matter of Life and Death! Count down to the Hours...
6:21 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
September 11 Gathering.
Went to Bugis with a bunch of fellow for steamboat. LOLX. Not worth it...So expensive haha...but ok la for the sake of gathering. We should have more of this often. So guys when is our next gathering?

12:16 AM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Was abit shocked when i read the newspaper under the obituaries section today. One of my secondary school friend had passed away. I not sure how her death had come to but it is time to remind us to treasure all our family and friends. Rest in peace friend....
11:49 PM
Monday, September 04, 2006
Damn boring at home ah during holiday. Sianx....beside work on some certain days but the whole period is so boring. result coming out....15 Sept 9am...!!! Hopefully can clear all my module. date me out anyone?
1:23 PM