Sunday, November 26, 2006

Just watched finished the whole episode of this Japanese drama(The Queen's Classroom) today. A total of 11 episode plus 2 special edition. A very nice drama about elementary school children challenged a devilish teacher a record of one year. Learn quite alot from this show also and the story was also a sad and touching one. Most scene was very touching and showed about friendship, love and betrayer among student and teacher. At the last episode, my tears almost fall but managed to control my emotion. This is a MUST-WATCH drama for all school- goers.
Maya Akutsu, a sixth-grade teacher who dresses all in black and is repeatedly referred to as "oni sensei" (the teacher from hell), when, in fact, she seems to be an ultrarealist at heart. The drama focuses on a year in her classroom and, particularly, the effect it has on 12-year-old Kazumi--a nice but mediocre student whose parents want to send her to a private secondary school.
Akutsu-sensei accomplished this feat by introducing a test-based rank and privilege system on the first day. The highest scorers on the Monday morning test get their choice of seats and other perks while the two lowest scorers are burdened with all the chores for the week from blackboard and toilet cleaning to serving lunch. The system also disallows toilet breaks during class because this reflects an inability to manage one's own schedule.
Kazumi gets the first week's work assignment along with the class clown, a warmhearted boy who is not nearly as silly as he acts. The child actors in the series are all likeable pros who give realistic portrayals of the wide spectrum of an average classroom from the isolated serious students to the sophisticated girls who think they already know what life is all about. Akutsu-sensei lets them know immediately that they do not have a clue.
When the students protest her system and call it unfair, she tells them to open their eyes. In Japanese society, she lectures, those who work hard or have influence get all the privileges, and the lazy or less affluent end up with the leftovers. She says only six in 100 people can expect to be happy and the elite already have most of the advantages and access to the best medical care. She tells them that, as products of the public school system, they will have to scramble to get anything at all, and most of them will end up as "bonjin" (ordinary people), to whom those on the top will be happy to leave the soldiering and service-sector jobs.
9:34 PM
Monday, November 06, 2006
Take a deep breath and now you reading an important message that you may spare some time reflect on it. I don't know how this matter look serious to you but Mankind is facing an imminent threat soon if we failed to act fast. Over the past century, Earth has experience tremendous changes that had change the way of life people live. Our planet is on the RED now! Global Warming is getting on the rise!
Past few months, more and more newspaper report had surfaced regarding the danger we are facing. More latest report from the news had made me worry and uncertain about the future. To all my fellow friend, most of you had ignore the seriousness of the problem our Earth is facing, is time for us now to wake up and do your part. By the year 2050, we living in a world of hell if the rate of C02 continued to skyrocket. Thirty to 40 years might seem like a long time but it is not, it's actually within the lifetime of many Singaporean.
Past fews years we had experience so effect of global warming. Record number of hurricanes near the Mexico gulf had causes great devastation to the US. Also in Europe, heat wave had killed tens of thousand. Droughts and wildfires occur more often and flooding to other area that displaced million.
Global Warming is for Real, it's already happening and if the warming continues, we can expect catastrophic consequences.
I would like to share with all of you this movie, An Inconvenient Truth (2006) and you understand more from there. This movie starring ex-US vice president AL Gore telling us the seriousness of the matter mankind is facing and is a MUST-WATCH for all. Act now! Small action can make a Big Difference! And Fellow frens, Im no joking nor crapping around here. Pls take it seriously...Thank You!
9:16 PM
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Looking upon new photo that u have updated, i long to see you once more each day. Hoping that i get to see you on the bus, in the library, in the school, or anywhere for the past years looks like its a fat dream. I don't know you still remember me or pretend that I am totally not exist in this world anymore. i just hope you doing fine and given me the chance to be your friend whom i can provide you with a listening ear when you down or up. Now you are enjoying your holidays and i wish you here all the Fun you can get and best in your future!
9:43 PM