Friday, March 30, 2007
On Wednesday evening, i was late meeting my frens, Kenny, Koon Siang, Tiffany and Candice at vivo for dinner. Thanks to Tiffany suggestion to eat at marche. Long queue outside and finally settled down for dinner at around 8+pm(HUNGRY). Dun know wats so great abt this marche, as it was so expensive and food where got so filling. I only had a swiss rosti with sourcream and grilled chicken and that costs me $13+. LOLX. I rather eat at foodcourt sia! haha..but nvm, since its a gathering with old frens so the price is like not so important. As long everyone is happy and enjoy it on that day then is worth it. We all took a strolled after dinner, talked about the past, arguing about topic(debate) and taking picture. Taking picture is Mr kenny most favourite time of the day. Haha..everytime come out sure asked everyone take a group picture. Not to disappoint him or else he will cry out loud like a baby, we give in to him. Below are some of the pic we taken. Enjoy! ![]() ![]() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() Again, again, They are truly back! According to The Straits Times Life section paper on 28 March 2007 in page 15. This time they are back in BIG soon. They are ready to strike on a TV near you. Millions and millions of Children, Young and Old will be part of this BIg thing! LOLx.. with a budget of US$500,000 to broaden the appeal of the Teletubbies beyond the main-stray audiences of toddlers and parents. Teletubbies, here i come!
11:07 AM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Finally watched finished the whole movie of "The Land before Time". It was my childhood favourite movie showing Friendship, Love and Team spirit among those baby dinosaurs. But dun know why over the years, the movie had included Sing-along Song into it. More like becoming a musical cartoon. LOLX. One of my favourite character in the show was LITTLE FOOT, he was a courageous young long neck leading his fren thru every part of the journey. ![]() Another of my favourite character, DUCKY. A small, sweet dinosaur who is one of the most affectionate and caring dinosaurs of all. ![]() And of course, the original soundtrack for this movie "IF WE HOLD ON TOGETHER" by Diana Ross nicely fitted into the show storyline. ![]()
9:16 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Result was out yesterday! Weeks of waiting, living each day in fear that one of my module will be badly grade. However, everything turned out to be well. Finally can relax... haha..It was the best result quite i ever get in my poly years. Although the grades are not so high with so many grade C compared to other people. But compared to my own result of all the past semester, this was the best. Hehex.. Air-conditioning & Cleanroom Technology - C Elective Project Prog 1 - B Engineering System Design - C+ Operations Planning & Control - C Project Management - A GPA = 2.5217
5:18 PM
Monday, March 12, 2007
HOW THE WORLD IS CHANGING! Oh dear...seeing those picture is scary enough but the fact is that it is happening. Argentina's Upsala Glacier was once the biggest in South America, but it is now disappearing at a rate of 200 metres per year. ![]() The image on the left is from an 1859 etching of the Rhone glacier in Valais, Switzerland, and shows ice filling the valley. In 2001, the glacier had shrunk by some 2.5km, and its 'snout' had shifted about 450 metres higher up. ![]() This is a section of shoreline at Cape Hatteras in North Carolina in the USA, pictured in 1999 and 2004. The southern United States and Caribbean region were battered by a series of powerful hurricanes last year. ![]() This image shows Mount Hood in Oregon at the same time in late summer in 1985 and 2002. ![]()
12:57 AM
Friday, March 02, 2007
" The danger posed by war to all of humanity and to our planet is at least matched by the climate crisis and global warming. " - UN S.G Ban Ki-moon
8:34 PM